Последние новости
11 Apr 2014:
Heartbleed bug
You have probably heard of the Heartbleed bug (http://heartbleed.com/) that can be used to steal supposedly secured information through exploiting a vulnerability of OpenSSL certificates. It is important to note that this security hole was available only on websites that used our shared SSL certificates. The websites using RapidSSL or SSL certificates from GeoTrust were not affected. On few of our servers we were using the exploitable version of OpenSSL and as soon as a security patch was released by OpenSSL, we have installed it and re-issued all existing certificates. What this means is that all your websites and the details you submit over the shared SSL certificates are once again secure. We want to thank you for choosing our sevices!
4 Oct 2013:
Zacky Installer now available on VPS hosting!
We are proud to announce that our in-house custom product Zacky App Installer has been launched in the VPS hosting Easy Control Panel. In a nutshell all VPS clients that have Debian OS and our custom in-house Control Panel installed now can use Zacky Installer.
8 Oct 2012:
Новая функция в разделе FTP-менеджера
A new feature of the new Hosting Control Panel has been launched. In the FTP Manager section our dedicated in-house developers have released configuration files for easier FTP connection without having to struggle which are the correct FTP details to establish a FTP connection.
We are proud to announce the launch of a new version of our Control Panel. With our new version we aim to simplify the user interface, functionality and a better client experience. All new clients starting August 31st, 2012 are directly introduced to the new version of the Control Panel, while the already existing ones are having the option to login in the new or the standard old panel.
25 Aug 2011:
Новый Полуавтоматический Выделенный Хостинг План
So far we only offered shared hosting and VPS. While the first was suitable for sites with low to middle volumes of traffic and modest overall load, VPS (despite being flexible) are quite sophisticated for a lot of users. So there was a missing link between the two types of hosting.
10 Dec 2010:
Функциональные Возможности Новой Регистрации
We are proud to announce improved signup functionality for our clients. Till this moment when you signed for one of our hosting plans the system would generate a random password and send it to your e-mail address. Users tend to dislike random passwords since they are very often hard to remember. No longer will you have such problems as you will be able to sign up with your own password now. We have added the option for you to use your e-mail address as well as your Client ID in order to login to the system.
6 Aug 2010:
Хостинг партнерская программа стартовала!
Это было время для того, чтобы запустить нашу хостинг партнерскую программу...., сегодня это факт.
Cloud Computing is the New Internet way! Why pay for servers that you do not use or they are too weak to support your online success at peak loads? Our ONE-CLICK Virtual Datacenter tool (V-NOC) is the answer.
12 Mar 2009:
New software versions in the Zacky Tools Installer
New software versions have been released in the Zacky Tools Installer. The lists includes 30 updated applications and a new software added to the automatic script installer.
23 Feb 2009:
MySQL 5.1 is available on hosting accounts
We have added support for MySQL 5.1. Paid users can now create databases on the new database server and use the latest version of MySQL.
Контрольная панель хостинга
Lastest News 
11 Apr 2014:
Heartbleed bug
You have p...
4 Oct 2013:
Zacky Installer now available on VPS hosting!
We are pro...
8 Oct 2012:
Новая функция в разделе FTP-менеджера
Новый подвиг...